The fully automatic version management in our Identity Management saves all changes and additions to your unique user profiles in a new version. All details of the change are traceable and are archived with the user ID and a time stamp. Indexing in the archive is based on the time stamp.

This is to be understood in such a way that the individual time layers are stacked chronologically on top of each other. The current version is always the top one and the one that you can see in the current data view. Only when you set the date to a specific day in the past you see the complete 360° user matrix, exactly as it was at that point in time, with all data attributes and authorizations, such as direct and indirect connections, dependencies, hierarchies, project affiliation, roles and tasks.

Access and editing of user profiles and IT permissions are restricted in whatever way the user has defined. In this way you prevent unauthorized access and use of data. Apart from that, a workflow and reporting system is integrated in Identity & Access Management and the specified access control and editing authorization protects and controls the collaboration and the entire reporting system.

Apart from the fully automatic functionality of version management, you benefit from the following six advantages in your day-to-day work:

  1. Traceability: As already described, all changes to user profiles are saved in a new version. The changes are documented with user and time stamp and indexed in the archive in chronological order. In addition, the origin of the individual data attributes is documented clearly and in detail for the unique user profiles. You can call up this documentation with the appropriate system authorizations.
  2. Basis for workflow management: The fully automatic, traceable and chronological documentation is also used in the integrated workflow system. In conjunction with the user-defined access controls and editing permissions centrally defined in Identity & Access Management, you control all processes and workflows in the area of ​​approval, verification and notification. All details and steps, as well as changes and confirmations are also documented with user ID and time stamp. With the appropriate system authorizations, you can call up this information at any time.
  3. Audit & Revision Security: Due to the end-to-end fully automated documentation, access control and editing permissions applied throughout the Enterprise Suite, the Identity & Access Management is also audit-proof. It meets all audit-proofing requirements for digital data storage and use: propriety, correctness, security, availability, traceability, immutability and access protection.
  4. Tracking of changes along the data lifecycle: With the end-to-end version management in Identity & Access Management, you can access your complete 360° by setting the desired date user matrix, including all the details as well. In this way, you always have the permanently available, audit-proof, complete, historical and current views of your 360° user matrix with all the details at hand.
  5. Basis for the reporting system: The chronological creation of new versions enables you to create audit-proof reports, analyses and graphic representations at any time, whether for a specified reporting date or for the current date. The required data does not have to be exported in advance, but is available to you by setting the desired date at the touch of a button in the integrated reporting system.
  6. Search and find: Unlike other systems, Identity & Access Management never overwrites data attributes or records, all changes to the database are documented in detail and archived. Instead of deleting data records during maternity leave or sabbaticals, they are set to “inactive”. This combination allows you to find everything again, whether after a name change or after returning from maternity leave. The standardized full-text search across the entire database or with a filter limited to individual groups or data attributes will find everything you are looking for again once it has been entered in the database. As soon as you have located the inactive user again, you can either activate it the same as it was before, or activate it and modify it for the new tasks and roles.

Of course, our Identity Management also has rule-based, fully automatic provisioning and control for your IT authorizations. Since we follow a consistent no-code approach, your employees do not need any IT-specific expertise to work with the intuitive and user-friendly user interface. Another special advantage is that our Identity & Access Management integrates into your existing IT landscape, completely independent of the prevailing systems and providers.