Identity & access management is not always reliable and efficient when operated manually and in the context of a heterogeneous data landscape. Typically, this situation is suboptimal and leads to poor user master data quality and, consequently, to an information gap or insecurity. On the one hand, this is due to the complexity and error-proneness of data maintenance, and on the other hand, because there is no complete master data record anywhere that includes all relevant data attributes.

The path to success in identity & access management leads through a central database or Enterprise Suite that integrates into your existing IT landscape independently of prevailing systems.

This All-In-One enterprise software combines central data storage, data hub, workflow system, and reporting system. The most important functionality in this context is the consolidation of all relevant data attributes from previous source systems and files into a central, unique, complete, and correct user master data record (the so-called golden record).

During this process, duplicates are simultaneously detected based on rule-based methods and cleansed using predefined processes in the workflow tool. To ensure accuracy and traceability at all times, the origin of each data attribute in the golden record is documented. Through this data harmonization, you gain a constantly available, homogeneous, and valuable overview of your internal and external user matrix.

To map your complete organizational structure, data enrichment is carried out. This involves mapping all relevant hierarchies, dependencies, project affiliations, and direct or indirect relationships between your golden records and data attributes. In this way, your constantly available, comprehensive 360° user matrix is created simultaneously. With it, you unlock the majority of the information content present in your user master data that was previously inaccessible.

You ultimately unlock the complete information content of your golden records by assigning custom tasks and roles. In automatic provisioning and control, you use them to assign and potentially lock IT authorizations. Additionally, you have constant access to your tamper-proof, current or historical 360° user matrix. With each change or addition to your data set, a version history with timestamps or validity is created. This allows you to have a complete overview of past and current data views with all golden records as they were on that exact date.

The hidden, ultimate power of the golden record of your users unfolds in the integrated reporting system. There, with just a few clicks, you can access point-in-time or current, complete, and reliable reports, analyses, exports, and interactive graphical representations. You also have access to the necessary data basis for target/actual comparisons to sharpen your user roles. Your reporting system always refers to your central data basis with the relevant, complete, and homogeneous golden records of your internal and external users throughout the company. This also promotes a common data understanding, and master data is interpreted correctly and uniformly across the organization when it comes to strategic and operational decision-making. With the golden record and the 360° view of your user matrix, you have the knowledge you need for automatic provisioning and solid, data-driven decision-making.

For automated identity and access management, you need high-quality, complete, and reliable golden records of your internal and external users. These are based on your individual master data model, which we develop together with you before implementing the Identity & Access Management. Golden records are only valuable and unlock the entire available information content when they fit your business processes, workflows, and requirements.

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